გიორგი ვენკო ჰოლანდიიდან კახეთში სათნოების სახლს ეხმარება

13 წლის გიორგი ვენკო ბროწლიანის სათნოების სახლს ეხმარება. სასმელი წყლის ჭაბურღილისა და სახურავის გამოსაცვლელად დედით ქართველი და მამით ამერიკელი მოზარდი, რომელიც ჰოლანდიაში ცხოვრობს საქველმოქმედო საღამოებს მართავს. ამჯერად ჰოლანდიაშ ნინო ჩხეიძის და დათუნა მგელაძის მონაწილეობით გამართა საქველმქომედო კონცერტი.

Georgian Theater Days in the Netherlands

The Georgian Theater Days were held in Netherlands for the first time with the financial support of the Georgian Cultural Center in Holland and by "Tika Tours" on 4 and 5 May 2019. Zugdidi Shalva Dadiani Drama Theater presented two performances "Punish 14" and "Return"

The first project of "United Georgia" was a concert held for Georgian emigrants living in Holland

The Georgian Ensemble "Pesvebi" was held in Amsterdam.

The organizer of the concert, Tika Svanidze-Vancko, is the founder of the Georgian Cultural Center in the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the founder of a luxury tour company, Tika Tours. Compatriots residing in America fascinated immigrants living in Holland with Georgian songs and dances.

The concert was attended by representatives of the Embassy of Georgia in the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Metropolitan of Belgium and Holland, Archbishop Dositheus.

Members of the Ensemble "Medea" in Belgium have performed dances for the audience and peers of America.

The famous dancer and choreographer of the ensemble, Medea Zhorzoliani, a teacher of choreographic studios of Georgian and cultural centers of Belgium and the Netherlands. The concert and actress Alexander Savaneli led the concert of two ensembles.

The Georgian Culture Center in the Netherlands, through the project “United Georgia” will organize several more cultural events in the future and continue working to support diaspora.

Giorgi Vancko helps the House of Virtues in Kakheti from Holland

The 13-year-old Giorgio Vancko helps the house of Virtues. The mother and the American teenager, who live in Holland, run charitable evenings for the drinking water well and the roof. This time, with the participation of Nino Chkheidze and Datuna Mgeladze, the charity concert was held.

A Cross has been raised on the grave of Georgian soldiers

Despite the bad weather, immigrants from the Netherlands visited the graves of Georgian soldiers on Texel Island, the island of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

In honor of fellow ancestors, Georgians living in Belgium moved to the island. On the 4th of May every year, the Dutch grave is assembled by the Dutch.

The memorial was decorated with representatives of the Georgian Consulate and the delegation from Tbilisi. The ceremony was attended by the textile burgamentist.

Going to the "Georgian Center for Culture in Holland" texts and the memory of the memory of the memory became a tradition.

The funeral and prayer service of about 500 Georgian soldiers who were buried on the island of Texel were accompanied by the Archbishop of Holland and Belgium, Archbishop Dositheus, together with the Bishop of Tsageri and Lentekhi Bishop Stephanie. This year's long-term intention has become a reality. With the help of construction company "Azimut", a stone cross was installed on the memorial.

Georgian-Dutch relations originate from the period of World War II. There are many successful Georgian emigrants in Netherlands today.

After the official part of the ceremony, "Georgian Cultural Center" hosted guests with Georgian dishes. Georgian toast was worn with Georgian wine, the members of the Ensemble "Medea" held a concert for the gathered community.

The Georgian singers held an unforgettable concert for immigrants in Holland

The Georgian singers held a concert for immigrants in Holland. Manana Todadze, Gio Khutsishvili and Gogita Gogidze's concert were also visited by other Georgian immigrants living in other European countries as well as immigrants living in Holland.

Bishop of Belgium and Holland, Archbishop Dositheus and representatives of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands attended the concert to listen to Georgian singers.

The concert was held in Holland with the organization of Georgian Culture Center and Company Tika Tours.

The conference was dedicated to Shota Rustaveli "The Knight in the Panther's Skin" in Amsterdam

The conference was dedicated to the 850th Anniversary of Shota Rustaveli at Amsterdam University.

As it is known, UNESCO announced this year as Shota Rustaveli's year and the event was dedicated to the great Georgian poet and poem "The Knight in the Panther's Skin". Konstantine Surguladze, Ambassador of Georgia to Georgian emigrants and foreign audience and Tika Svanidze -Venko founder of Georgian Culture Center. Conferences around Shota Rustaveli's creations are planned in other Dutch universities as well.

Young Ambassador Tamar Juzhunadze and his assistant Gvantsa Garsevanishvili familiarized guests with the main theme and characters of the poem.

Georgian immigrants and foreigners interested in Shota Rustaveli's art were reading fragments from "The Knight in the Panther's Skin". Bishop of Belgium and Holland, Archbishop Dositheus attended the conference.

In parallel to the conference, the exhibition of Calligraphy works of Chabukiani was presented by the Youth Initiative Center. The unique Georgian alphabet samples are presented on the exhibition.

The exhibition was also exhibited by Georgian gymnasium, which was organized by the company TikaTours Georgia in Holland.

After the conference, the ensemble "Medea" concert was held. The invited guests were able to taste Georgian dishes and wines.

In 2011, under the auspices of the "Art Echo" Foundation, the premise of the great Georgian poet's aphorism is adorned by the building located at Leiden University.

A Concert with Manana Todadze was held in Holland

Singer Manana Todadze held a concert for Georgian immigrants living in Holland.

The evening was called "Paysan Manana Todadze", organized by Tika Tours and Georgian Culture Center.

Georgians living in Belgium also arrived to listen to Manana Todadze's songs in The Hague. President of New York State University Kendas Venko also attended the concert. The initiator of the concert and the producer of the Georgian Culture Center was Lali Butbaia.

Manana Todadze performed all the songs for immigrants who love the listener. The event was attended by the representatives of the Embassy and Consulate of Georgia.

Georgian restaurant "Sokhumi" and its owner Izolda Kvitsiani hosted an emotional and creative evening in Hague. Manana Todadze reads her poems by immigrants.

The concert was not only for immigrants, but also for Manana Todadze himself.

At the end of the event, the cake was decorated with Georgia and the EU flags.

The Georgians living in the Netherlands held the Memorial evening on April 9

On April 9, 1989 Georgians residing in the Kingdom of Netherlands dedicated a memorial event to tragic events on Rustaveli Avenue.

The event was organized by the Georgian Culture Center and the Embassy of Georgia in Holland. The Georgians living in Belgium and Germany also came to attend the evening of the Memorial in the Georgian Cross Cathedral in Amsterdam.

On April 9, the Dutch and Belgian bishop Archbishop Dositheus, Ambassador of Georgia Konstantine Surguladze and the founder of Georgian Culture Center, Tika Svanidze -Vancko, talked about the importance of Georgia. On April 9, a large screen showed documentary footage of crackdown by peaceful soldiers by Soviet soldiers on Rustaveli Avenue. An emotional video footage was shown noting the tragic news on Rustaveli Avenue. Tika Svanidze-Venko and his brother Giorgi were the participants of the events that took place 27 years ago.

On the 9th of April 1989, 21 peacekeepers died in the funeral service of the bishop Dositheus.

After the evening of April 9, the bishop of Belgium and the Belgian paid a parish.

Opening of Georgian Cultural and Spiritual Center in Amsterdam

The official opening of the Cultural and Spiritual Center in Amsterdam was a big success! Around 200 people were expected to show but instead more than 300 came. Thanks to our wonderful ambassador Mr. Kote Surguladze and Bishop Dositeus for their great support! Thanks to everyone who came and enjoyed a church service, Georgian food and wine, Georgian dance and folk songs and being with us! The kids loved all activities and enjoyed the Georgian lesson by lovely teacher Nelli Svanidze! Thanks to our amazing dance teacher Medea and Alexandre for coming with their amazing children dance ensemble and singers from Belgium to be with us! At last but not least thanks to the amazing team who helped organize such a wonderful event!