Charity events organized by "Help the Republic of Georgia" foundation in support of the House of Virtues

The Foundation “Help the Republic of Georgia” was founded by Giorgi Vancko. He is a student of Georgian Cultural and Spiritual Center in the Netherland’s Sunday School in Amsterdam.

Visit of Kakheti House of Virtues and Concert by Music School Abkhazia II

Giorgi, Levani and Temuri Vancko, who are living in Holland, are involved in charitable projects in Kakheti region. With the help of poor and disabled people, adolescents and adolescents will improve their living conditions. The mother of the boys, Tika Svanidze-Vancko is the founder of the Georgian Cultural Center in Holland. Tika is also the owner of the company Tika Tours. Tika Svanidze-Vancko has a number of important charities and national affairs

The Foundation “Help the Republic of Georgia” was founded by Giorgi Vancko. Giorgi and his brothers, Levani and Temuri, are students of the Georgian Cultural and Spiritual Center in the Netherland’s Sunday School in Amsterdam.