The conference was dedicated to Shota Rustaveli "The Knight in the Panther's Skin" in Amsterdam

The conference was dedicated to the 850th Anniversary of Shota Rustaveli at Amsterdam University.

As it is known, UNESCO announced this year as Shota Rustaveli's year and the event was dedicated to the great Georgian poet and poem "The Knight in the Panther's Skin". Konstantine Surguladze, Ambassador of Georgia to Georgian emigrants and foreign audience and Tika Svanidze -Venko founder of Georgian Culture Center. Conferences around Shota Rustaveli's creations are planned in other Dutch universities as well.

Young Ambassador Tamar Juzhunadze and his assistant Gvantsa Garsevanishvili familiarized guests with the main theme and characters of the poem.

Georgian immigrants and foreigners interested in Shota Rustaveli's art were reading fragments from "The Knight in the Panther's Skin". Bishop of Belgium and Holland, Archbishop Dositheus attended the conference.

In parallel to the conference, the exhibition of Calligraphy works of Chabukiani was presented by the Youth Initiative Center. The unique Georgian alphabet samples are presented on the exhibition.

The exhibition was also exhibited by Georgian gymnasium, which was organized by the company TikaTours Georgia in Holland.

After the conference, the ensemble "Medea" concert was held. The invited guests were able to taste Georgian dishes and wines.

In 2011, under the auspices of the "Art Echo" Foundation, the premise of the great Georgian poet's aphorism is adorned by the building located at Leiden University.