Ensemble Merani held a concert in the Georgian church for foreigners interested in Georgian Culture

The next cultural event was organized by the Georgian Culture Center in Holland. This time, the project has been large and varied.

Tika Svanidze-Vancko and her teammates, founder of the Georgian Cultural Center, was awarded a master class for foreigners interested in immigrants and Georgian culture in the Georgian church of Amsterdam. The conductor Ketevan Tsiklauri taught the Megrelian song "Kirilles" to the interested society.

Following master classes, the Dutch group "Slavu" surprised the public by performing Georgian songs. Concert Tika Svanidze-Vancko completed the song with family members.

Following the concert of the Hollandians in Georgian, the ensemble "Medea" was presented to the society, the head of which is dancer Medea Zhorzholiani, a dancer of Georgian culture center in famous dancer and choreographer in Belgium and Holland.

Within the framework of the project, Georgian wine tasting, Georgian enamel workshop and preparation of Georgian dishes were held. Invited guests got acquainted with Khinklis preparation process.

The event was attended by representatives of the Embassy of Georgia and the Consulate of the Netherlands.

After the Cultural Program, the Bishop of Belgium and Holland, Archbishop Dositheus performed a liturgical prayer.