
Ensemble 'Georgian Voices' Concert in Amsterdam. November 2018

Unforgettable Georgian Feast with incomparable “Tamada” (the toastmaster), Temur Chkuaseli. legendary polyphonic ensemble “ Georgian Voices” and their sweet melodies, magical evening turned into unforgettable memories will always stay as a shining light of Georgian emigrants’ and their foreigner friends.

Our gratitude goes: to the Ensemble Head Temur Chkuaseli and organization Zurab Loladze ; To each and every member of the Ensemble ; To Tika Svanidze, the founder of cultural Center on Nederland for organizing this great two-day event; To Embassy of Georgia in Nederland and the Eparchy of Belgia and Nederland for support; To Mrs. Lali Bythbaia, Tea lanchava, Maka Kverenckiladze, Suliko and Guliko Gvilavas for support and provided Help; To Mrs. Nani Gergaia for delicious cakes; To Mr. Giorgi Beridze for great photos and video ; To all friends and visitors who took part in this memorable concert-feast! The Strength in Unity!